special courses

Embodiment With the River - Dumoine

8-Day Dumoine River Trip

Embodiment With the River is designed specifically for women+ to get quiet enough to hear ourselves and the wisdom of the Land. Our time with the river will be woven through with movement, art, writing, breath, song and ancestral veneration to work with the deep web of relations that we bring with us.

We’ll spend 8 days along the beautiful Dumoine River, learning how to swim, paddle and relate to this amazing whitewater gem within the Ottawa River Valley.

All meals and camping are included in the cost.

Dates: July 21-29, 2024 Cost: $3525

Recommended Skill Level: II-III

There are so many ways to paddle a river, and so many ways to run the same rapid. The Madawaska River allows for new paddlers to get their sea legs before paddling the Dumoine River, which offers gradual progression for new paddlers and new challenges for those who have lots of moving water experience. This particular trip has a 1:3 guide:participant ratio, which allows us to guide the trip for beginners to seasoned canoeists.

the flow


Pre-trip: planting seeds

After booking, take some time for yourself to reflect on what inspired you to join this trip. There is no right or wrong here - what are you hoping to learn or experience? What relationships do you hope to nurture? (e.g. With yourself? If so, which parts of yourself? With other women+? With the land?)

Two weeks before our trip, all the women+ on the trip will meet virtually to chat about what is to come. This will be your chance to introduce yourself, share your questions, concerns, fears, hesitations, excitements, hopes, and intentions for the trip. When you share your intentions, it gives the rest of us an opportunity to support you. Once you register, we will set you up with a date to meet with everyone.

Remember that at any point before the trip, you are always welcome to call Braiding Rivers with any questions or concerns.

Day 1-2: sprouting

Day 1: Meet in swisha

An exciting day! We’ll meet at the Dumoine Valley Guides in Swisha, QC, where we’ll take our time meeting each other and the river, while learning the stories of the region and the people who have called the Dumoine home. Before dinner, we’ll spend some time reorienting to our boats and refreshing our paddling skills before eating a delicious meal together and packing for the river.

Day 2: Lac Benoit - Little Italy

This morning we’re shuttling upstream to the put in at Lac Benoit, the start of our whitewater river trip. We’ll refresh our river reading skills before navigating down the first rapid of the river, Bridge Rapid (Class II). Depending on the group’s comfort, we can spend some time on this rapid practicing how to maneuver our boats, scout lines through rapids, and principles of river running.

After a short paddle on Lab Benoit, we’ll arrive at our campsite known as Little Italy for its boot shaped island location.

Days 3-6: Growing

This is the bulk of our journey, as we travel downstream from campsite to campsite. Every day will look a little bit different depending on the weather and river flow, though we usually aim to be finished drinking coffee, eating breakfast and packing down camp by 9 am so we can be pushing off of shore at that time…paddling in the morning is beautiful, we promise you won’t regret it!

Everything else is up to the river. Each day, the river unfolds in new, gentle, yet, exciting way. We’ll spend our days paddling lakes and Class I-II+ rapids and eating dinner between 6 and 7. Our evenings are spent in a variety of activities - music making, story telling, learning, crafting and connecting. Every trip will look different, as each trip is comprised of a unique collection of women+ with a unique collection of gifts to share.

If you want to learn more about the rapids of the Dumoine, check out The Rapids section.

Day 6: rest

Today we rest, recharge, slow down and enjoy our time with the river so far. There’s lots of time to fish, swim, drink coffee, craft, chat, or just lay in a hammock and watch the water.

Days 7-8: Blooming

This is our last whitewater day with fun series of 5 rapids, back to back, with a finishing set called Examination Rapid. With all the mileage behind us, you’ll feel like an old pro showing off your skills — you may even surprise yourself! Our last night on the river will be close to the mouth of the Dumoine as she flows into the Kitchisipi (Ottawa River).

On our last day, we’ll will wake up a bit earlier so we can enjoy our last morning together on the river before a couple of hours of flatwater paddling back to our vehicles in Swisha. Once at the takeout, we’ll organize our gear, share some final hugs and say our fare wells until next time!



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